Friday, January 11, 2008

Learn The Best Weight Training Exercises For Serious Muscle Mass

Getting the most benefits from your workout includes doing the right kind of exercises that will give the results you're looking for. Could it be that you have been training all these years and haven't seen results simply because you've been doing the wrong exercises?

It may be time re-evaluate your training exercises and challenge your body to put on some serious muscle mass.

See what weight training exercises leading muscle building expert Vince DelMonte used to gain 41 pounds of muscle mass in less than six months.

The Best Skinny Guy Weight Training Exercises
By Vince DelMonte

Can you imagine you are wasting all your time on the wrong weight training exercises? Can you imagine that every weight training exercise you are doing is dead wrong? Skinny guy's must meet a different set of requirements when choosing the most effective weight training exercises for maximum muscle growth. You do want to transform your skinny body into a rock-hard muscular body, right?

Without further ado, here are the top two exercises for each muscle group I used to gain 41 pounds of muscle mass in under six months:

Chest: Bench Press and Flat DB Chest Press

Back: Bent Over Barbell Rows and Close Grip Chin Ups

Shoulders: Seated DB Shoulder Press and Standing Military Press

Triceps: Dips and Tricep Pressdowns

Biceps: Standing Barbell Curls and Incline Bicep Curls

Quads: Squats and Lunges

Hips: Deadlifts and Stiff Leg Deadlifts

Lower Back: Good Morning

Calves: Standing Calve Raises

Abdominals: Weighted Ball Situps and Weighted Cable Crunches

Yes, there are many more exercises I did not list but these are simply the best. Stick to these weight training exercises for the best possible muscular and strength gains and you will have a rock-hard muscular body in less time than before!

Click for more details


About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at

Vince specializes in teaching skinny guys how to
build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and training in less time than ever before.

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